Photography Brand & Customized Showit Template for Kari Ann

We recently partnered with the incredibly talented Kari, the lead photographer of Kari Ann Photography. Our partnership resulted in the creation of an extraordinary brand identity and a warmly customized Showit template, enhanced by captivating copy, for her photography website. Kari skillfully captures the candid and authentic moments of everyday life as a lifestyle photographer in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Kari’s new website showcases a stunning customization of Jessica Gingrich’s Showit template, harmonizing Kari’s vision for her site with her new brand identity. Explore Jessica Gingrinch’s shop and enjoy an exclusive 15% discount with code: MKDESIGNSTUDIO

Read below to find out what Kari’s experience was like working with MK Design Studio.

Photography customized showit template

What is your favorite part of your new website?

The layout! I think it’s friendly and inviting — exactly what I was going for.

Why did you choose to work with MKDS?

Felt like we matched personality wise and you were genuinely invested in me.

How did you feel before working on this project together?

Nervous! It was a big investment for me since I only do photography part-time. I was nervous about the process since I had never done this before.

Photography Brand and Customized Showit Template

brand identity for photographer
Customized showit template for photography website

How likely are you to recommend MKDS to a friend?

Extremely likely!

What advice would you offer to someone who is on the fence about investing in custom branding and website design? How do you think this update will impact your business?

I’m hoping it will help solidify my brand as a professional photographer by more cohesiveness and more professional in general. I’d tell them to not be scared and just do it! You’ll feel better about yourself and the brand you’re representing.

How would you sum up your experience with MKDS?

Lovely! I thought it was a friendly and fun experience. I enjoyed the back and forth feedback and including me in all aspects.

Customized Showit template for Kari Ann

Check out Kari’s welcoming new website live!

If you are interested in updating your brand and website, reach out to us today! And shop Jessica’s Showit template shop here.