DIY Content Creator Brand & Blog Design | Salvaged by Sammie

DIY Brand and Blog Design

MKDS teamed up with Sammie from Salvaged by Sammie, known for her budget-friendly DIY creations, to craft a fresh brand and custom blog design that perfectly fits her style. Sammie salvages old furniture and outdated spaces, giving them new life. All the while, she empowers others to do the same by providing affordable knowledge, tools, and products.

She sought MKDS’s help to create a simple, easy-to-navigate site. She wanted to feature her most requested links, videos from Instagram and YouTube, and a grid for shoppable reels. Additionally, Sammie wanted to build a blog and needed a cohesive logo to unify her brand across all social platforms.

The MKDS team developed a brand, copy, and custom blog design that incorporates the colors and furniture styles Sammie uses in her flips. Her new look is warm and elevated, with a touch of vintage flair. We love how all the details came together!

Check out her new brand and website below. Make sure to view it all in action on her live website.

DIY Content Creator Brand & Blog Design for Salvaged by Sammie

DIY Brand and Custom Blog Design
DIY Brand and Custom Blog Design
Custom Blog Design
Salvaged By Sammie Custom Blog Design

Ready to work with the MKDS team to update your brand and website? Inquire with Mary